I'd like to draw your attention to the following youtube channel. At Malta Archery Armin Hirmer is making bow reviews. He has got more than 52,000 subscribers, uploaded several hundreds of videos and he has gained by now almost 10 million watches. Here is his channel: Armin Hirmer bow tests.
It's worth browsing, he has a lot of topics and fortunately not a chatterbox.
My old desire was fulfilled by making these tests in style as an outsider and professional. I guess a serious workshop does have to go under such tests today. I like his works, he's so impassioned, respectful and sincere. Questions, advices are disputed.
Some of his Flagella Dei reviews:
Scythian Nomad Bow Test
Scythian Bow Test 2nd
Deflex Reflex Youth Bow Test
Deflex-Reflex Youth Bow Test 2.
Flagella Dei Mongol Bow Test
Flagella Dei Krim-Tartar Bow Test
Osage Orange Viking Bow Test
Osage Orange Sioux Bow Test
Deflex-Reflex Storm Bow Test
Storm Youth Bow Test
71" Flatbow Test
Black Mamba Scythian Bow Test
Osage Orange Pyramid Wooden Bow Test
Children Longbow Test
Trilaminated Longbow Test
Osage Orange Flatbow Test
Flagella Dei Magyar Bow Test
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