Garniture d’arc TAS Jeunesse

Garniture d’arc TAS Jeunesse

109.0 € + T.V.A.: 109,00 €

Nous proposons l’arc TAS Jeunesse avec une flèche, un protecteur d’avant-bras, une corde supplémenaire pour un prix raisonnable. Les 12 flèches d’entrainement sont 28" et faites en matière première naturelle qui appartiennent á la garnutire. Ces arcs de résine synthétique sont les copies actuelles des arcs composites nomades. Il se fait rapidement, c’est un arc résistant, on le reccommande ceux qui commencent á connaître le tir á l’arc.

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Personnalisation de produit

  • 250 ombles. max
Fait pour commande

La description

Composite bows are different from the Western European simple bows (so called longbows) in a way that in all cases several pieces of horn, wood were stuck together in layers, with bone stiffening. The form and structure of these were extremely diverse, but it is typical of all of them that in un-drawn condition they become bent strongly backwards, and this negative bending also remains in drawn condition in a length of 1-2 hand span at both ends of the bow. Turkish-Tartar composite bows, which represent the top of reflex bows, ensured a relatively high initial speed. 

Détails du produit

Flagella Dei

Fiche technique

Longueur de la corde
112,5 (13) cm
Force (lbs)
à 50#
Hauteur de brace
à 28"
Hauteur de brace
19 cm
longueur totale
128 cm
Poids moyen
600 g
bon à savoir
Regino, the Abbot of Prüm describes them in 908 this way:"They don' kill many with swords, but they do thousands with their arrows, which are shot so skilfully from their bows made of horn, that it is scarcely possible to find protection against them."agyars, the name by which Hungarians call themselves, arrived to the Carpathian basin in 896 from the southern region of the Ural. They did not pursue a settled way of life for an additional 100 years, they led looting expeditions to Western Europe and Byzantium. "They find great pleasure mostly in distant fight, lying in ambush, encircling the enemy, imitating back out and then turning back, and dispersing fighting units... They are attracted to machination, they fight from their horses galloping forward or turning back, they often imitate running away as well... Most of the times they stop fighting in the middle of a fierce combat, then a little later they turn back from running, and when you think that you have defeated them already, you find yourself in a mortal danger." (Leo, the Wise) The uniting Holy Roman Empire stopped their marauding lifestyle (933, 955). Taking up Roman Christianity ended the Western campaigns. From this time on the horse archery tactics were followed by the Western warfare.
Longueur avec corde
119 cm
État du produit
Fait pour commande
Temps de production
5-15 jours de travail
2 ans

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